August 24 | Volume 16 - 2023 |
The NC STEM Center is a Web Portal for all things related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education in North Carolina
Five-year project aims to create STEM Agriculture Pathways and a National Consortium ↴
NC State’s Juntos program shares $7.8M STEM grant
NC State’s Juntos program, launched in 2007, has received a $7.8 million grant to improve STEM participation, persistence, and career readiness among Hispanic and Latino youth in the states of North Carolina and Washington. Juntos (pronounced “Ho͞on-toes”) means “Together” in Spanish and works to unite community partners to provide Latino students grades 8-12 and their parents with knowledge, skills, and resources to ensure high school graduation and broaden post-secondary career and academic opportunities. This grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through the Youth Innovators Empowering Agriculture Across America program. In relation, it's been a minute since we highlighted Tu Portal STEM, a web portal dedicated to raising awareness and increasing access to information about STEM education, STEM careers and programs, and opportunities for Hispanic students and their families.
Please enjoy this edition of your e-Update. Connect with us to share your feedback. |
Opportunities ↴
Explore NC STEM Center
Do you have an opportunity or program doing great work to promote STEM in North Carolina? Now you can post your special events, summer camps, and afterschool programs for us to promote all year long. We invite you to create an account to get started today!
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STEM Spotlight ↴
ExperiMentors Afterschool
ExperiMentors is a program for North Carolina middle school students through the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences where students are able to meet engaging and diverse scientists, hear their stories, and do fun hands-on science experiments from home.
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UNC Charlotte and Mathematics ↴
AMC 8 Prep Course to start in September
The American Mathematics Competition (AMC) is a series of examinations to evaluate problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge for students in 8th grade or below and under 14.5 years of age. Harold Reiter, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at UNC Charlotte, has organized a free AMC 8 prep course for up to 400 students across the country in September. Use the link to learn more and to sign up. → Read More
MCNC and Broadband Connectivity ↴
HERO Project: Lacking connectivity comes with consequences
In today’s interconnected world having access to high-speed internet is essential for individuals, communities, and businesses. Unfortunately, there are still areas that lack broadband, which has consequences on economic growth and workforce development. → Read More
Burroughs Wellcome Fund and Grants ↴
PRISM: Promoting Innovation in Science and Mathematics
The deadline is coming soon (Sept. 29)! The Promoting Innovation in Science and Mathematics (PRISM) Awards enhance the excitement for STEM in the classroom by providing funds for materials, equipment, and supplies for North Carolina teachers. Use the link for more information about the award, monetary amounts, and how to submit an application. → Read More
Oct. 24 and Oct. 25 ↴
Bridging the Gap 2023
The 2023 Bridging the Gap conference is scheduled for Oct. 24-25 at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Research Triangle Park. → Read More
Nov. 13 and Nov. 14 ↴
Synergy Conference
Mark your calendars for the the 2023 Synergy Conference on Nov. 13-14 at the Friday Conference Center in Chapel Hill.
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Nov. 15 and Nov. 16 ↴
MCNC Community Day
MCNC’s signature event – MCNC Community Day – will return this fall on Nov. 15-16 at the Durham Convention Center.
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Have STEM News or Event to share?
The NC STEM Center is a project of the NC STEM Learning Network, a statewide effort through the North Carolina Science, Mathematics & Technology (SMT) Education Center in collaboration with North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, North Carolina Community College System, and UNC General Administration.

Thanks for your continued support! |
Phone: + 1 919 991 5111
P.O. Box 13901
Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709