Feb. 22 | Volume 4 - 2024 |
The NC STEM Center is a Web Portal for all things related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education in North Carolina
NCDPI, NC Chamber Foundation unveil new tools to align workforce needs with K-12 education ↴
New state toolkit connects employers with students
A skilled and educated workforce is the cornerstone of a strong, healthy economy. A new Employer Toolkit is now available to align North Carolina’s rapidly changing workforce with the K-12 public education system. This project is a follow-up to the 2022 launch of “The Year of the Workforce,” where the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) rolled out four workforce goals at the N.C. Chamber Foundation and published its workforce development website. This toolkit is specific to employers and industry partners and was created in response to reoccurring questions often posed from the business community such as how businesses can get connected with schools or how do internships and youth apprenticeships work. NCDPI has launched several tools in the past couple years aimed at increasing alignment with the business community, including the N.C. Portrait of a Graduate, designed to ensure that students are equipped with in-demand durable skills upon graduation, and the K-12 Workforce Toolkit, geared towards parents and students to help them learn more about career pathways available to them during their educational journey.
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Opportunities ↴
Explore NC STEM Center
Do you have an opportunity or program doing great work to promote STEM in North Carolina? Now you can post your special events, summer camps, and afterschool programs for us to promote all year long. We invite you to create an account to get started today!
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STEM Spotlight ↴
Piedmont Wildlife Center
Join the Piedmont Wildlife Center in Durham on April 18 for Fly-Thru: A Drive-Through Wildlife Experience. This unique event allows you to meet NC wildlife and learn about each animal’s role in our state's ecosystem - all from the comfort of your vehicle.
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Annual campaign looks to connect academics and the real world of work ↴
Students@Work returns in March for North Carolina students
Students@Work is a project of the North Carolina Business Committee for Education in partnership with N.C. Department of Public Instruction. The goal is for North Carolina businesses to help middle school students see the opportunities that exist in the workplace as well as the skills needed for those jobs. This year's campaign has dedicated weeks for various industries such as health care, public service, manufacturing, etc. STEM is the primary focus the week of March 11-15. Learn about ways you can participate and support this initiative. → View Flyer
Your help is needed for the 2024 North Carolina State Science and Engineering Fair ↴
Call for volunteers for NCSEF next month at NC State
The North Carolina State Science and Engineering Fair (NCSEF) is the state-level affiliated fair with the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Volunteers are needed (either virtual, in-person or both) on March 20, March 22, and March 23 for a variety of activities. Please use the link to get involved, and congratulations to all the students selected from the 10 regional fairs leading up to the 36th annual NCSEF at NC State University! → Read More |
The North Carolina Student Academy of Science seeks your expertise ↴
NCSAS: Connecting professionals with students
A goal of the North Carolina Student Academy of Science (NCSAS) is to bring STEM professionals and researchers together with students. NCSAS is looking for college graduates working in STEM, STEM researchers, or those who have an advanced STEM research degree to judge students' work at the NCSAS on March 22 at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics. The event includes middle and high school level research in varying technical categories. Details on judging are outlined on the program's website. → Visit Here
Advancing Student Research Teaching (ASRT) experience set for July at UNC Charlotte ↴
Unique STEM PD opportunity for HS teachers this summer
Are you a high school teacher deeply committed to engaging your students in real-world, inquiry based STEM experiences? If so, we invite you to apply to this no-cost, week-long summer PD: “Advancing Student Research Teaching” on July 8-12 at UNC Charlotte STEM Center. Application deadline is March 1. → Complete Your Interest Form
MCNC's HERO Project aims to ensure every community is supported in their pursuit of success ↴
Broadband turns dreams into success for rural entrepreneurs
Broadband is catalytic for turning entrepreneurial visions into successful ventures. High-speed internet allows businesses to connect with customers and partners anywhere, opening up a much larger market than was ever possible. Initiatives like MCNC’s HERO Project are revolutionizing this landscape for today’s rural entrepreneurs in North Carolina, paving the way for a more prosperous and inclusive future for these communities. → Learn More
March 1, 2024 ↴
GL Scholarships
Applications for the Golden LEAF Colleges and Universities Scholarship for 2024-2025 academic year are due March 1. → More |
March 23, 2024 ↴
36th Annual NCSEF
The 36th Annual NC State Science and Engineering Fair is scheduled in March at NC State University in Raleigh. → More |
April 1-30, 2024 ↴
NC Science Festival
The North Carolina Science Festival is now accepting event proposals for 2024. Use the link below to submit yours today! → More
Have STEM News or Event to share?
The NC STEM Center is a project of the NC STEM Learning Network, a statewide effort through the North Carolina Science, Mathematics & Technology (SMT) Education Center in collaboration with North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, North Carolina Community College System, and UNC General Administration.

Thanks for your continued support! |
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P.O. Box 13901
Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709