Fresh Newsletter
What's Happening in STEM
Aug. 9 | Volume 15 - 2024
The NC STEM Center is a Web Portal for all things related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education in North Carolina
Students showcase research projects working at Wake Forest University faculty

Teens dive into STEM with Wake Forest program

Twenty-five high school students from six Title I Winston-Salem/Forsyth County High Schools recently participated in the Wake Forest LEAP (Lab Experiences: Academics and Professions) program. WF LEAP offers these students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on lab research experience while earning a paid internship. The goal is to increase the number of traditionally underrepresented youth and minorities in the STEM education pipeline. Read full story

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Explore NC STEM Center

SearchButton-orange.jpgDo you have an opportunity or program doing great work to promote STEM in North Carolina? Now you can post your special events, summer camps, and afterschool programs for us to promote all year long. We invite you to create an account to get started today!

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  STEM Spotlight

NCSSM Connect Courses

ncssmstar.jpgThe North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) Connect program allows N.C. public high school students to take tuition-free, honors-level, and AP NCSSM courses via interactive video conferencing. Learn more about this offering.

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SMT Center President and CEO Dr. Sam Houston shares his vision with this TEDx event

TEDx: Why education fails students of the future

GS2h-G9XMAMiaTH.jpgDr. Sam Houston, President and CEO of the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology (SMT) Education Center, challenges the outdated methods of traditional education, advocating for a future-focused approach that equips students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in tomorrow's world. Discover why a shift in our educational paradigm is essential for the success of future generations. Watch TEDx event.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund’s Career Award for STEM Teachers

Applications for 2024 BWF's CAST Awards open until Sept. 29

cast2024-1.jpgThe Burroughs Wellcome Fund’s Career Award for STEM Teachers (CAST) recognizes outstanding STEM teachers in North Carolina public primary and secondary schools. The award provides $175,000 over five years and is available to teachers who have an outstanding performance record in educating children and who demonstrate a solid knowledge of STEM content. Applications are due no later than Sept. 29. Get more information and apply.
Educators prepare for the 2024-25 school year

North Carolina retrains 44,000 teachers on how to teach reading 

student1-DMID1-5epw3xlb5-1280x720.jpgAs many children struggle with literacy, North Carolina education officials have retrained more than 40,000 elementary school teachers on how to teach reading skills. Read more
NC Science Olympiad 2025 Season

Calling all science enthusiasts! NCSO looking for volunteers

sciolymp-2024.jpgNC Science Olympiad is recruiting dedicated and enthusiastic individuals interested in serving as Event Leaders for the 2025 tournament season. This team will be responsible for leading events throughout the season. All are welcome to apply. Learn more and get involved
Upcoming webinar hosted by the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation

Will generative AI make Computer Science education obsolete?

friday institute webinarJoin the Friday Institute on Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. for an engaging webinar where leading experts from the fields of computer science, artificial intelligence and industry innovation come together to explore the evolving role of computer programming in today’s world. Read more
Sept. 27-28, 2024

Color of Education

The 2024 Color of Education Summit will be Sept. 27-28 at NC State University. More 
Oct. 22-23, 2024

Bridging the Gap 2024

Bridging the Gap 2024 is scheduled on Oct. 22-23 at the N.C. Biotechnology Center in RTP. More 
Nov. 7-8, 2024

Synergy Conference

Synergy Conference 2024 is set for Nov. 7-8 at the Friday Conference Center in Chapel Hill. More